Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Coconut Hair Mask

Attention those who want soft, thick and healthy hair...listen up! I have come across an amazing, easy and cheap hair mask that will leave your tame flawless, all in 15 minutes! Plus, it only requires one ingredient that every girl should have...coconut oil. I know I have talked about this in a past post in which I used coconut oil for a facial scrub(DIY Facial Scrub), but it has so many more uses as well, including hair.

The steps are super simple!

  1. Scoop out a liberal amount of coconut oil into your hands, enough to fully coat your hair. (No need to warm it up, it will automatically soften in your hands)
  2. Begin running the oil through your hair making sure it is all coated.
  3. Wrap up your hair, clip it and put in a shower mask. (The shower mask isn't absolutely necessary but it helps lock in more moisture).
  4. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Rinse and shampoo hair (Might have to do twice depending on how much hair you have and to make sure all of the access oil is washed out). 
I was inspired to try this out myself when I saw it on Pinterest. I have a whole board devoted to beauty where I pin anything from hair to skin care to make-up. 

Follow Here! :)  Beauty Board

Benefits of coconut oil for hair include:
  • Prevents Breakage
  • Moisturizes
  • Rich in Nutrients 
  • Anti-Bacterial
  • Improve Hair Growth
Enjoy and welcome to fabulous hair!

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