Thursday, March 17, 2016

St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day! In honor of this holiday, I am designating this post to looking your ultimate best for the day. Being at an Irish catholic school, St. Paddy's Day is a huge deal here. From beginning to end, it is always important to show your Irish pride. From nails to accessories to the perfect outfit, I have the best guide on how to be ready for this crazy day.

  • Nails:
I went for a more simple look yet still including the glitter and Irish feel. On both ring fingers, I did the Irish flag with gold, white and green and the index fingers, gold glitter. On the rest, I did a simple green glitter nail polish. 

  • Outfit:
An obvious huge part to this look is your outfit and there is only one rule you need to follow: green, green, green. Anything green and and you're solid. I usually go with a green Mercyhurst T-shirt since one of our colors are green and I can be comfy and casual. But, it is honestly up to how far you want to go and whether you are going for the dressy look or casual. Below is my friend who has basically the best shirt for today, "Straight Outta Ireland". 

  • Accessories:
Lastly, is what ties it all together. Accessorizing is one of the most fun and important parts of getting ready for today. There are a lot of places that sell cheap holiday gear. Most of the time we go to CVS since it is right next to my school, and usually everything is under $5. 

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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